Journal, Rhode Island Therese Zink Journal, Rhode Island Therese Zink

Managing the horror

The Gaza War ceasefire has dramatically worsened life for my colleagues on the West Bank. During the war, traveling between cities grew much more complicated with new checkpoints, sudden road closures, and even ambulance searches.

Now travel is impossible.

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Rhode Island, Journal Therese Zink Rhode Island, Journal Therese Zink

Mind metronome

Finding one’s inner rhythm is essential in turbulent times. That rhythm is being in the zone, that place where mind, body and spirit are in flow. I suspect, you’ve been there. You know what I mean. I hope you go there routinely. How do you reach that place, that state, that metronome of the mind?

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Journal, Rhode Island Therese Zink Journal, Rhode Island Therese Zink


It is refreshing to see my world through the eyes of others. I know I have a privileged life here in the US. I am educated, the right skin color, have enough money to live in a “good” neighborhood, and have the freedom to go where I wish. Or another way to say it is WEIRD . . .

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Rhode Island Therese Zink Rhode Island Therese Zink

Life Lessons

Summer seems to be winding to an early the end. Brown and yellow leaves are already falling due to the drought that has taken its toll here in Rhode Island. While the drought is much worse in other parts of the US, not to mention Africa and South Sudan, even here in Rhode Island where there are 400 miles of coastline, crops are lost.

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Rhode Island, Teaching Therese Zink Rhode Island, Teaching Therese Zink

Seeding Hope

“Give them hope.” That was my charge from the course directors in Gateways, a pipeline masters in science program at Brown University created to increase the diversity of the physician workforce. Started by Dr. Gowri Anandarajah six years ago, the first two weeks of the program this summer have focused on various aspects of the US health…

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School-Based Clinics in 2021

I first provided care in school-based clinics in the 1990s. My most memorable crisis was an early morning page from the clinic nurse who had a flare for the dramatic. We didn't have cell phones back then, so I found the coins to call her from a pay phone at the cafe where I was having breakfast with a colleague.
"I think I have a student in labor. Can you get in here fast?" Stacy's voice…

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