Reflecting on Russia and Palestine
Thirty years ago, I traveled to the Former Soviet Union as part of a Women’s Leader exchange and later I hosted a group of our Russian counterparts in Minnesota. It was a different world in 1992 . . .
Life’s Ebbs and Flows
The violence in Nablus and Palestine has decreased with the conclusion of the Israeli election and the olive harvest. Borrowing from Reed: “it has been a cauldron of simmering conflict, oppression, resistance, protests and sporadic violence whose origins go back a millennia or more, but whose wounds are as fresh as yesterday.”

Fourteen checkpoints block the exits out of Nablus. As I write this we are on the 10th day “under a tight Israeli siege.”
Israeli forces instituted “Break the Wave” two months ago, a crack down on Palestinian militant groups who are too young to remember . . .

Back in Palestine
The scent of jasmine fills the September air. Fruits are ripening on the trees--figs, pomegranates, almonds, apples, pears, and olives grow on rock ledges in the deep valley behind the six-story apartment building.